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Darlo Debs 12:45 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
many are finding they can't even do that now comma, read a report a short while back about women having to give up work due to the cost of childcare.

, 12:42 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Well yes. Despite the politicians telling us how well off we are the fact is that nowadays lots of young families cannot cope financially unless both parents work. You end up in a situation where both partners feel guilty about the time they miss out on with their kids.

chad sexington 12:38 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Comma, is that because they can't afford to be otherwise?

, 12:37 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
This time with the kids talk is interesting because I grew up in a home in the days when being a mother was a full time occupation. Nowadays almost invariably both parents seem to be at work.

Darlo Debs 12:27 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Think we finally agree on something Buster apart from our choice of football team.

Buster 12:25 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Time with my kids is worth more to me than anything, no job is worth more than that.

Darlo Debs 12:24 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
am sure you will CS

chad sexington 12:21 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...

chad sexington 12:21 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Time spent with the kids is invaluable surely? When ours come that will be my goal. I'm shouting it at the thought of being a parent though. Constantly worrying I won't be a good father

Darlo Debs 12:16 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
to kids, time with their parents is (in most cases) of more value to them than stuff. They get used to having stuff and if its given to compensate for not spending time with them, then that does neither them or the parent any real favours. They just end up learning the price of everything and the value of nothing and the parent ends up riddled with guilt.

Buster 12:16 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
I'd choose time with the kids. I wouldn't want them having a mega comfortable life paid for by me and at the same time not having any decent memories of time with their old man.

If I raise them well enough and they do what's asked of them in their education, they should be able to fend for themselves quite comfortably like I do without having to make sacrifices themselves with their kids later on.

mashed in maryland 12:10 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
If you could provide your kids with enough money for a mega comfortable life, but in return for that you'd have to sacrifice seeing them all the time, what would you choose Bus?

Tough one for me but then again I'm not a parent.

Just saying I can see these peoples' logic.

Buster 12:09 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
I'm with dicksie on this. I've met some right sad cunts in my time, I actually feel sorry for some of them because they clearly had nothing else in their lives than work.

It's those with kids that I don't understand though. Yeah, I understand you wanting to better yourself to be able to provide more for your kids, but I can't fucking stand people (and I know a good few) that moan about having to leave before their kids wake and get back when they're in bed. What can be more important than spending time with your kids while they're growing up? These are all people that drive decent cars and live in nice drums as well. They have a choice, they can simply downsize yet they're choosing luxuries and status over their kids, so they can all fuck right off with their moaning.

The working day starts and ends at set times as far as I'm concerned, would rather be spending any other time with my kids than trying to earn brownie points with a boss or trying to brown nose my way to a promotion.

mashed in maryland 12:00 Thu Dec 4
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
WHOicidal Maniac 5:21 Tue Dec 2

Firm I used to work at was one of the leaders in the area.

I was the new boy (and about 10 years younger than the second youngest, who in turn was about 15 years younger than everyone else) and I remember him having a talk with the MD about his new assistant, halfway through he said something like "he's got to realise he can't just turn his phone off in the evenings".

Now as I said the firm were one of the best about, everyone was fucking loaded, work coming out their arse when half the competition was struggling. But looking back not a single person there ever mentioned any sort of social event or friends or anything, often others in the office were there an hour before me in the mornings and regularly stayed 2-3 hours after (my hours were 8 - 5:30) and also did weekends.

I know it's not just black/white but there is a strange sort of admiration in being able to just switch off your entire social life and be able to dedicate 12 hours a day to your career. Imagine we all had that? We'd probably all be fucking loaded.

Anyway I ended up getting sacked for taking 2 days off sick in 4 months.

MrCrowmanSir 11:57 Wed Dec 3
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
I was out in the woods today cutting down trees, had a bonfire on the go and no-one around to disturb me. I'd hate to work in an office or in a company with rules and regulations. I doubt I could stay indoors all day either, I believe its unnatural for human beings to be sat down all day, it's half the reason you see more and more fat cunts around.

Darlo Debs 11:50 Wed Dec 3
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
I really enjoyed doing the care work I was doing, I was out in the community and dealing with all different people with different needs, Most rewarding job I have ever done, and its such a shame it is so badly paid, or I'd probably still be doing it now.

Jasnik 11:45 Wed Dec 3
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
I agree with DICKS ie3 .

mashed in maryland 11:36 Wed Dec 3
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
Sven Roeder 12:03 Wed Dec 3

I envy people like that in a way.

Imagine having no real distractions, no social life, no interests, no pointless senseless logicless devotion to a football club etc. etc.

Being able to dedicate yourself 100% to something is what separates successes from the rest of us, imo. That's the same in every aspect of life.

The Dursley Massive 11:32 Wed Dec 3
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
I'm taking a step down pay and responsibility wise in the new year. Have always enjoyed my job but have found the further up the ladder I go the more pointless management bullshit I have to do, and the enjoyment is waning. Plus have a toddler and another baby on the way, so priorities have changed.

holyhandgrenade 8:54 Wed Dec 3
Re: Career-driven BERKS...

"Damn that television what a bad picture"!
"Don't get upset, it's not a major disaster".
"There's nothing on tonight", he said, "I don't know what's the matter"!
"Nothing's ever on", she said, "so I don't know why you bother."

We've heard this little scene, we've heard it many times.
People fighting over little things and wasting precious time.
They might be better off I think the way it seems to me.
Making up their own shows, which might be better than T.V.

Judy's in the bedroom, inventing situations.
Bob is on the street today, scouting up locations.
They've enlisted all their family.
They've enlisted all their friends.
It helped saved their relationship,
And made it work again

Their show gets real high ratings, they think they have a hit.
There might even be a spin off, but they're not sure 'bout that.
If they ever watch T.V. again, it'd be too soon for them.
Bob never yells about the picture now, he's having too much fun.

Judy's in the bedroom, inventing situations.
Bob is on the street today, scouting up locations.
They've enlisted all their family.
They've enlisted all their friends.
It helped saved their relationship,
And made it work again

So think about this little scene; apply it to your life.
If your work isn't what you love, then something isn't right.
Just look at Bob and Judy; they're happy as can be,
Inventing situations, putting them on T.V.

Judy's in the bedroom, inventing situations.
Bob is on the street today, he's having a vacation.
They've enlisted all their family.
They've enlisted all their friends.
It helped saved their relationship,
And made it work again

Willtell 8:06 Wed Dec 3
Re: Career-driven BERKS...
I've been thinking about this subject since I posted and really, what it comes down to is this, do you enjoy what you do for a living?

If the answer is yes then working hours are no problem.

If the answer is no then you will begrudge every minute at the office, warehouse or factory.

I guess those doing dead-end jobs with little or no chance of advancement or those out of their depth, can't see why some love it.

Even accountants sometimes love their work I'm told but, it would kill me and fortunately, I got by in sales & marketing which I was good at. I really enjoyed it because I was thriving at it.

Many past colleagues just couldn't do it and hated their jobs so never lasted because it showed in poor sales figures. Success breeds success and that keeps one going and happy....

If you hate what you do stop making excuses about all those that put in more than you do and find something more enjoyable to do for a living even if it earns you less.....HTH

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